Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thriving on Neglect

So I didn't get out to the yard much this weekend. The poor weather Friday and Saturday (combined with working) meant I got into some indoor projects. While it was warmer today, the forecasted sun never materialized to beckon me outside. I managed to drag myself out there this afternoon to take a look around. Guess what? Spring is springing even without my help.

Here's my garage garden, in various shades of purple

There's moss phlox, anemone, muscari, creeping phlox, violets, and a very early geranium bloom.
Here's a closer look at that far end:

A few struggling tulips in the side garden

A few tulips and moss phlox, with some leftover crocus, on the patio terrace.


This one could be problematic - the other blueberries haven't opened their buds yet, so I don't know if this plant will get pollinated.

I haven't even started the spring cleanup in the right terrace bed (I always seem to leave one part of a chore undone), but the Iberis (candytuft), Euphorbia myrsinites, and moss phlox are putting on their spring show anyway.

Yes, my garden thrives on neglect!


  1. Isn't it nice to have a garden that can just do its thing at times?

  2. My weeds thrive on neglect. And I just absolutely don' have time to deal with them. I think I'm going to have to hire someone. Grump. My lamb's ear that you gave me last year are looking good. Am I supposed to clear them out/prune them at all? there is some other plant you gave me, can't for the life of me think of the name, but it's growing back nicely too.

  3. Merf - Just pull the dead parts out of the lamb's ear to clean it up, but it doesn't really need any more attention. I don't remember what else I gave you, maybe columbine?

  4. GONSS - yes, it is nice! I'm working toward more self-sustainability - my biggest barrier to that is all the ivy that needs so much pruning!
