In the upper garden is Joe-Pye, which I installed last fall. I didn't expect it to bloom so early. I don't know whether this is normal or if it's being early like most everything else in my yard.
I'm very happy with it so far. It doesn't have much room to spread where I put it, but I have other places it can go when (if) it outgrows this space.
Also blooming for the first time is Rudbeckia 'Henry Eilers' in the front walkway bed:
It's not fully open yet, but you can see it has really skinny petals. Not at all like the other rudbeckia I have blooming:
And here's a coleus on the patio terrace. I've never had coleus before, but have admired the brightly colored foliage. I had no idea it would have pretty flowers, too!
It's been a floral week here at the Crest!
New flowers are wonderful aren't they? I really like the Joe Pye plant. I didn't grow any coleus this year but it is very rewarding. Sometimes, I can get cuttings of it to root and bring small plants indoors in the fall.