Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 2013 Blooms

Once again, my bloom day post has been delayed.  I blame the excessive heat.  Oh, I took pictures on the 14th and 15th, but the heat has completely sapped my energy for even the most sedentary tasks, like blogging. 

Fortunately the garden doesn't complain quite as much about the heat as I do.  I did venture out earlier in the week to find a cucumber hiding among the very tall weeds.  It is over a foot long.

On to the blooms ...

Most of the yard this month has been daylilies and Rudbeckia.  But I also have these:

 Echinacea on the patio, forming the backdrop for the glider.  The 'White Swan' Echinacea is barely visible in this photo, just behind the glider and on the right edge.

More Echinacea in the side garden, shading some yellow-blooming blue spruce sedum.  Oh, and there's something else in there ...

It is all flopped over and only made two blooms this year, but the stargazer lily, declining for the past few years, is still there. 

And here's a closeup of the blooming sedum

The lower border in the front has some sedum, too.  I don't remember what this one is, with thick grayish leaves.

Also in the front border:  four o'clocks and catmint.

The upper garden is sporting some cute little Coreopsis rosea.

The garage garden is full of phlox.

The side garden, in addition to the Echinacea and lilies, has balloon flower (shown here with daylilies) and heliopsis (with a rose campion).

Back in the front are this year's new bulbs:  Acidanthera (Gladiolus callianthus).  I just love them!

Oh, I'm pooped now, just thinking about those plants out in the heat.  Time for a nap.  


  1. Love the echinacea and elephant ear behind the glider. Nice photos op.
    I still need to get some phlox. They looks so great in everyone's garden.
    Enjoy a cool place!

  2. I have the same gladiolus. I love mine, too, even though they are at least 3 ft tall, which is about a foot taller than I expected them to be. I love all that phlox against the garage. The more phlox, the better. :o)
